Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to Las Vegas!

Well, it wasn't the way we expected to get here, but we made it. Our original flight was with Continental, scheduled to leave at 1:48. Slightly after that time we got on the tiniest plane ever, only like 40 seats, headed for Cleveland. However, the plane was broken (something about not being able to de-ice. Oh, and the thermostat was affected and the plane was 100+ degrees inside! We were all dying) so we went back inside, where we switched airlines and found a flight with Delta to Las Vegas through Minneapolis. We finally left Grand Rapids at 7:45 last night, and got to Vegas around 11 pm Pacific time. We got some sleep at the Tod Hostel, where we were lucky enough to share a room with two other racers, Adam and Marshall. Last night we were very thankful for Adam, he won a game of rock-paper-scissors that got us our room of four while the other group of 4 boys had to share a room with 2 strangers. We didn't sleep particularly well, but a bed is a bed, and for 15 bucks a night I won't complain. In about a half hour we are heading to Phoenix, and it should be a beautiful drive. We are expecting some sort of racing today but we are not sure what it will be, so you can find that out in our next blog post, whenever we can get to it. We'll try and update our blog every day, but that might not happen...we'll do what we can.


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